Golden Green: A cup of Golden Green will give you the warm and fuzzies. Traditional Genmaicha tea is elevated in flavour with the addition of coconut, papaya, and a touch of cinnamon. Studies have shown many benefits to drinking green tea, such as boosting brain health and reducing blood pressure.
3.5 oz Whole leaf
100% organic ingredients
40 steeped cups
plant based
very low caffeine
gluten free
Tumeric Ginger: A cup of Turmeric Ginger is an energetic burst of flavour. These Ayurvedic roots help boost your immune system, reduce nausea, and can provide heartburn relief. This herbal tea provides sustainable employment for a Women's Tea Co-op in Kenya.
3.9 oz Whole leaf
100% organic ingredients
40 steeped cups
plant based
no caffeine
gluten free